Gentle House Residencies 2023


In 2023 Tupelo Press welcomed six poet participants of the Tupelo 30/30 Project from around the nation to explore and write on the Olympic Peninsula at Gentle House, as we began renovating this gracious space.

Aline at Salt Creek Tongue Point

Aline Soules at Cape Flattery

Aline Soules by the Salish Sea

Laura Gamache and friend

Laura at End of the World

Local Blackberries

Deborah Kelly at Gentle House

Gentle House neighbors

Deborah meets the rainforest

Cooking together

Deborah at Lake Crescent

Deborah at End of the World

Hurricane Ridge Picnic

Jessica Letteney and niece

Kristin Szakos visits from Charlottesville

Jessica Kinneson on the Salish Sea

Salish Sea Views

Jessica at Hurricane Ridge

Jessica at End of the World

Jessica Kinneson at Cape Flattery

Morning journaling at Gentle House

Michael and Regan brightening up the living room

The Mountain is out!

Michael and Regan brightening the day!

Help us build our scholarship fund and broaden access to our residencies!

Gentle House Working breakfast

Gentle House Pear Jam with fig and saffron!

Hurricane Ridge Dusting

Port Books and News!

Port Angeles Library Readings

Gentle House tree mirror

Lake Crescent

Hurricane Ridge in Fall

Tree-light at the Hoh Rainforest

Wooden Boat Festival - Port Townsend

Wooden Boat Festival - Port Townsend

Lake Crescent

Gentle House reflecting on her mountains